Digital Age

It seems that just about everyone in the magic industry has changed over to digital downloads. I’m usually the last person to change when I get set in my ways. Even after friends like Jeff McBride urged me to change, I kept the course. That was until I realized that I have the ability to update a digital download whenever I want. That’s right, if I find a better way to do something I can just edit the video and upload and not have to wait until I have sold the existing stock. Lori is going to like the extra space in the Palmer Magic garage.

Not only do I get the flexibility to edit the video, but it also will reduce the cost of shipping which could be a savings for both of us. If the effect doesn’t need a prop, you’ll be able to download instantly and there will be zero cost for shipping! If there is a prop and we have physically mail you the product, the cost will be slightly less, since I won’t be shipping a thick DVD case. In Canada our postal service has deemed that a DVD is a “small packet” and the cost to ship a “small packet” is a “small fortune”. If you have ever checked what the actual postage cost was for your order, you will see it is significantly higher than what we charge. Until now we have had to subsidize the postal cost as it crazy.

Well that’s the primary reasons why I have made the switch. It was a tad bit difficult finding a hosting provider, software to distribute the files and the security to insure my secrets are only shared with those that support my projects. Yes, there will people who steal, torrent and share the videos now that they are easier to copy… but I really have faith that it will be minimal. Only time will tell.

Keep well and busy,


2 thoughts on “Digital Age

  1. Greg says:

    Hey Shawn- big fan! Just downloaded HG. Can’t wait to check it out. When do you plan on going back to try for your third FU trophy?

    Did you really get to open for P&T’s Vegas show?

    • Shawn Farquhar says:

      Thanks for being a fan. It would be cool to try to fool them for a third time… in Canada we would call that a Hat Trick! Yes I went to Vegas, but didn’t open for them and instead I closed the show. Pretty amazing, freaky and fun.

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